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Nordic Biogas Conference 2019

“The next wave in biogas” - Oslo 2019 - We will showcase Nordic biogas solutions and technology for a global market - both today’s and tomorrow’s solutions.
Welcome to Oslo - the European Green Capital of 2019.


For information and registration:

Welcome to the 7th Nordic Biogas Conference in Oslo in 2019. NBC is organised together with all 5 Nordic countries and the City of Oslo, and is part of a full week of Bio-Waste events in Oslo, Europe's Green Capital City! All events are in English.

The Nordic countries are known to be global front-runners in the biogas arena with advanced use of biogas for transportation and biofertilizer for agriculture.

International conference: More than 30 speakers and 500 participants from 20 countries are expected.
Target group: Stakeholders (users and decision makers) from both municipal and private sector, techology providers, Energy companies, Consultants, R&D / universities

- Oslo - European Green Capital in 2019
- Technical study tours (optional, limited spaces)
- Poster session and indoor exhibition
- For Sponsorship Prospectus, contact Jens Maage

- ISWA Beacon Conference on Bio-Waste Management (collection and sorting), Monday April 8 - incl site visit
- Composting Day, incl site visit to Oslo Compost Plant, Tuesday April 9

Pricing Structure and Discounts:


Main organisers

Avfall Norge and the City of Oslo (No)
Sorpa (Is)
Biogasforeningen (Dk)
Finnish biogas assocation (Fi)
Avfall Sverige (Se)

Information and registration

Discounts for partners to Nordic Biogas Conference (organisers, co-organisers and program partners)

Check-in and follow NBC at Facebook:


NBC Facebook:

Mandag 8. april


Tirsdag 9. april


Onsdag 10. april
