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PlastiCircle H2020 – Forbrukerplast i sirkulær økonomi

Webinaret arrangeres i samarbeid PlastiCircle-prosjektet. Det gir en oversikt over resultater ved bruk av smart teknologi i innsamling, transport og gjenvinning som satt i system i EU-prosjektet PlastiCircle 2017-2021. Dette settes også i relasjon til Oslo kommunes erfaringer med smart teknologi i avfallsbehandling. Avfallsbehandlilng i pilotbyen Utrecht sammenliknes med byens langsiktige planer.


Onsdag 14. april


Foredragsholder: Åge G. Larsen Seniorforsker, SINTEF Industri

The background and results from the EU project carried out 2017-2021 under EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program.


Foredragsholder: Johnny Stuen Produksjonsdirektør, Oslo kommune

The presentation will give some project/development examples explaining how Oslo thinks about plastic waste in the city.


Foredragsholder: Frank Donkers Information Advisor, Municipality of Utrecht

A description of the pilot of PlastiCircle in Utrecht.


Foredragsholder: Kamal Azrague, Senior Researcher, SINTEF Community | Ola Martin Rennemo Senior adviser at Mobility and Economics, SINTEF Community

Using PlastiCircle waste transport as a baseline, new energy- and emission-data can be estimated by simulating the same transport with modified vehicles.

The relative environmental and economic impacts based on LCA/LCC -analyses will be discussed.


Foredragsholder: Richard McKinlay Head of Consulting, Axion

An overview of the products developed in Plasticircle to use recycled polymer from post-consumer household packaging.



Foredragsholder: Åge G. Larsen Seniorforsker, SINTEF Industri

Åge G. Larsen

Seniorforsker, SINTEF Industri

PhD in physics. 35 years' experience from polymer processing, polymer physics and recycling. Responsible for the coordination of the activities of the three pilot cities.

Johnny Stuen

Produksjonsdirektør, Oslo kommune

Johnny Stuen er Produksjonsdirektør ved Renovasjons- og gjenvinningsetaten i Oslo kommune, og leder av arbeidsgruppen for energigjenvining i ISWA (International Solid Waste Association)

Frank Donkers

Information Advisor, Municipality of Utrecht

Started as policy advisor waste management for the municipality of Utrecht in 2016. Responsible for the proper disposal of post-consumer value streams of the city. Big part of my job is the source/after separation of the plastic. Switched to information advisor 2 years ago. Involved in more information/innovation oriented projects for the city; e.g. using images recognition models (AI) to predict new sweeping routes.

Kamal Azrague

Senior Researcher, SINTEF Community

He holds a M.Sc. (2002) and a PhD (2005) in Chemistry from the University Paul Sabatier, France. He has been working with SINTEF since 2009, both in scientific and management positions. He has strong background in environmental issues, circular economy, and sustainability assessment (e.g., LCA, LCC).

Ola Martin Rennemo

Senior adviser at Mobility and Economics, SINTEF Community

Main field of work if software development related to national roads database, GIS, transport modelling, and energy and emission calculations.

Richard McKinlay

Head of Consulting, Axion

Since graduating with a masters in Chemical Engineering Richard has been working on a range of R&D and practical projects to increase the recycling of plastics. Richard has been involved in the development and evaluation of new technologies as well as setting up recycling schemes for niche plastic packaging waste streams.